My Obsidian Daily Note Template
How I use Obsidian to track my day-to-day.
I’ve spent the last few weeks using Obsidian as my daily note-taking app. With the addition of a mobile app this month, I am now all in on Obsidian. My work notes have centered around my daily notes. They are the home base of each day, and from there, I link out to other notes. In addition, I have some dynamic sections showing past due tasks from previous days and what’s due today. By doing this, I will quickly build out a library of thoughts, documentation, and historical data for my work.
So what are daily notes?
Daily Notes are single markdown files created each day. In settings, you can configure the file name utilizing the date in some way, specify a location, add a template using the Core Templates plugin, or the Templater community plugin, which I use.
Each day, I create a new note to start the day. I click the daily note icon in the left toolbar, and it creates the note. If the file already exists, it…